if brute force doesn't work, you're not using enough of it!

Student Hall of Fame

20151127    Arthas      Adrien Merlini                      Quarkslab       @chop_wood
20150414    Rom1        Romain Thomas                       Quarkslab       @bring_sally_up
20140701    nvcs        Nicolas Szlifierski                 Quarkslab       @hack.lu
20130901    coyotte     Eliott Coyac                        Pythran         @Fontainebleau
20130701    Yuancheng   Yuancheng Peng                      Pythran         @home
20130701    Heledar     Pierre Castelanetta                 QuietOceans
20120901    Nagadum     Alan Raynaud                        Pythran         @Annecy
20120901    pierrick    Adrien Merlini                      QuietOceans     @Potager, @Annecy
20120830    Arthas      Adrien Merlini                      QuietOceans     @ChallengePetitMinou
20111130    pierrick    Pierrick Brunet                     Acceler'8
20110102    garrik      Sébastien Martinez                  PIPS+OMP        @Starcraft2
20101105    geekou      Adrien Guinet                       PIPS+AVX        @chamonix, @Galveston
20090705    Fred        Frédéric Perrin                     PIPS+SSE
20090630    Greg        Grégoire Payen de la Garanderie     PIPS+Python     @pipsday
20090630    coyotte     Eliott Coyac                        PIPS+GA         @Luxembourg

Road To Namek Ranking (old)

1   Fred        20120714    level16
2   garrik      20120606    level15
3   Pierrick    20120423    level11
4   Arthas      20120412    level9
5   kil3r       20120429    level6